About Us

Welcome to Majestic Foods, Inc. – the nation’s leading food distributor of fruit juice concentrates, fruit purees, individual frozen fruits (IQF) dried and frozen vegetables as well as tomato paste packed in drums, bins and pails. Majestic Foods is unique due to the nature of its usefulness to customers and suppliers. We
and helps its customers and suppliers by purchasing their excess inventory and turning those items into cash in an extremely professional method by handling their own trucking of the product and shipping to its warehouses across the Country. The individual items range from food to non-food products and nothing is

have over 20 years of field experience in offering grade ”A” food ingredients from the best suppliers in the world as they are recognized and a source of supply to our private label and National account customers from coast to coast. Majestic Foods purchases
too difficult for Majestic Foods to move. Since
we supply our customers nationwide, we also offer warehouse and distribution programs that strategically work with your objectives geared throughout the U.S.. Quality is at the root of our

commitment and success we strive to provide the highest-quality products.Today, our suppliers span the globe from China, Mexico, South America, South Africa and the USA. As Majestic Foods, Inc. grew, it developed strong relationships with major suppliers, manufacturers, correctional facilities and government
institutions throughout the United States. The customer base for Majestic Foods has since expanded to mass feeders, food banks, food processors and buffet feeders. Regardless of your needs, Majestic Foods can help you with all of your product needs.